TNPSC Frequently asked questions

Published – May 7, 2024

1. Is TNPSC- an independent body? Who are the constituents of the commission?

Yes, TNPSC is an independent body.

The Governor of the state appoints the Chairman and members of the service commission.
The commission, comprised of the Chairman and members, collectively performs the policy matters and duties referred to below. The commission has the controller of examination and a secretary to assist in the discharge of its duties. The controller of examination is incharge of the conduct of examinations, evaluations etc. The secretary is incharge of the administration and also assists the chairman and the commission

2. What are the duties/functions of TNPSC?

The functions/duties of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission are:

  • To conduct the examinations for the appointment to state/subordinate service within its purview.
  • All matters relating to recruitment to the civil services in the state should be consulted with the commission. and
  • In making appointments to civil service and posts, as well as in making promotions and transfers from one service to another, the principles should consider the suitability of candidates for the aforementioned promotions and transfers. Similarly, disciplinary matters affecting employees serving in the State Government in a non-judicial capacity, including memorials and petitions relating to such matters, should be addressed.
3. What are the Vacancies recruitment/selections done by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission?

The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission makes various recruitments and selections.

(A)-Group 1 Service
S.noName of the posts
1Deputy Collector
2Deputy Superintendent of Police (category
3District Registrar (registration department)
4Assistant Director of Rural Department (Panchayat)/Personal Assistant (Development) to collector
5District Employment Officer
6Divisional Officer in the Fire and Rescue Department
7Assistant Commissioner (C.T)
8Deputy Registrar of co-operative societies 
Group I-A Services
Name of the post
Assistant Conservator of Forest
Group I-B Services
Name of the post
Assistant Commissioner, H.R&C.E
Group I-C Services
Name of the post
District Educational Officer
Combined Civil Services Examination –II
(Group II) (Interview Post)
s.noName of the Post
1Assistant Commercial Tax Officer               
2Municipal Commissioner, Grade II
3Junior Employment Officer (Non-Differently Abled)
4Junior Employment Officer (Differently Abled)
5Sub-Registrar, Grade II
6Assistant Inspector of Labour
7Assistant Section Officer (other than law and Finance Department)
8Assistant Section Officer (law department)
9Assistant Section Officer (Finance department)
10Assistant Section Officer in the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
11Assistant Section Officer-cum-programmer
12Accountant in Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
13Assistant Section Officer, Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly Secretariat Service 
14Probation Officer, Social Defence
15Probation Officer, Prison Department
16Industrial Co-operative officer, industries Commissioner and Director of industries and commerce  
17Women Welfare Officer, Social Defence
18Deputy Inspector of Survey, Director of Survey and Settlements
19Senior Inspector of Co-operative Societies 
20Receptionist, Tamizhagam Guest House, Udhagamandalam
21Supervisor of Industrial Co-operative Industrial Commissioner and Director of Industries and Commerce Department 
22Project Assistant Adi-Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department 
23Audit Inspector in Audit Wing Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Administration Department  
24Assistant Inspector of Local Fund Audit Department and Internal Audit Department
25Supervisor/ Senior Clerk/Head Accountant/ Junior Superintendent in the Tamil Nadu  Agricultural Marketing Subordinate Service
26Assistant Jailor, Prison Department
27Assistant in Revenue Department
28Executive officer, Grade II in Town Panchayats Department
29Special Assistant in DVAC
30Handloom Inspector
Combined Civil Service Examination-II
(Group-II A Service) (Non-Interview Post)
S.noName of the post
1Assistant in Treasuries and Accounts Department
2Junior Co-operative Auditor
3Audit Assistant, Highways and Rural Works Department
4Junior Technical Assistant, Civil Supplies Department 
5Personal Clerk(Other than Law and Financial Department)
6Personal Clerk (Law Department)
7Personal Clerk (Financial Department)
8Personal Clerk in the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
9Personal Clerk in Tamil Nadu State Planning Commission
10Personal Clerk in Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly Secretariat Service 
11Assistant in Various Departments:
Commissioner of Revenue Administration, Industries and Commerce, Medical and Rural Health Services, Registration, Transport, Prison, Police, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Protection, Land Administration, Land Reforms, Disciplinary Proceedings, Fisheries, PWD, Technical Education, Backward Classes, Labour, Employment and Training, Commercial Taxes, Highways and Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Archives and Historical Research, Forest, H.R&C.E, Social Defense.
12Assistant in Secretariat Department
13Assistant in Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
14Lower Division Clerk in Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly, Secretariat.
15Planning Junior Assistant
16Receptionist (Small Savings Department)
Combined Civil Service-III
(Group-III Services)
Name of the post
Station Fire Officer
(Group –IIIA Services)
S.noName of the Post
1Junior Inspector of Co-operative Societies
2Assistant Supervisor of Industrial Co-operative Societies
3Store Keeper in Employment and Training (Training Wing) Department
4Store-Keeper, Grade-II in Industries and Commerce Department
VAO – Village Administrative Officer
S.noName of the Post
1Junior Assistant (Security &Non-Security)
2Bill Collector
4Steno-Typist, Grade-III
5Field Surveyor
Group-VA Services
Name of the Post
Assistant in Secretariat (Recruitment by transfer) (other than Law and Finance Department)
Group-VI Services
Name of the Post
Forest Apprentice
Group-VIIA Services
Name of the Post
Executive Officer, Grade-I
Group-VIIB Services
Name of the Post
Executive Officer, Grade-III
Group-VIII Services
Name of the Post
Executive Officer, Grade-IV

Group-III (B), Recruitment to all Technical Post within the purview of the commission

4. How to apply for recruitment made by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission?

The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission invites applications through online mode by issuing notifications that mention the name of the post, the number of vacancies, and the prescribed qualifications. Each notification furnishes the steps involved in submitting an online application.

5. What are the stages involved in making recruitments?

         The stages involved in respect of recruitments made by the Communication.

i). Selections to lower level posts:

The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission conducts written examinations exclusively in an objective OMR method (multiple-choice type questions). TNPSC publishes the marks of all candidates, along with their respective community, after evaluating the answer papers using computers. The commission also provides details regarding each candidate’s overall rank and rank in their respective communal category for the specific recruitment. Additionally, the Commission hosts details regarding the distribution of vacancies.The candidates by correlating the ranking given as above, with the no. Of vacancies in his/her communal category he/she may know the possibility of his/her selection.

ii). Selections to Middle level posts:
  • By written examination and oral test.
  • For the recruitment of middle level posts, there will be a written examination and an Oral Test i.e., The written examination will be followed by oral test. (Group-II, Combined Engineering and APPs etc.,).
    In these examinations, candidates are admitted to the written examination solely based on the claims they provide in their online applications.The selection are also made by the above method in respect of  Technical posts also.
    The notification mentions the maximum marks prescribed for the written examination and oral test.
    The examination shall be objective or descriptive as the case may be.
  • After evaluating the written examinations, the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission identifies candidates who fall within the zone of consideration at a ratio of 1:5 in each communal reservation category. The Commission summons these candidates for certificate verification to confirm their eligibility, as it has detected discrepancies and misinformation in their online application documents.
  • The commission selects five candidates based on merit for each post. Candidates undergoing certificate verification should understand that this process solely aims to confirm their eligibility for further selection processes and should not be interpreted as the definitive list of candidates for the oral test.
  • After thoroughly verifying the documents, the commission eliminates ineligible candidates and determines proper ranking. The commission then provisionally admits candidates to the oral test based on the number of vacancies in each category, at the ratio of 1:2/1:3 in each communal category.
iii) For Selection to Higher Posts.

The commission makes selections involving three stages for positions that carry a higher scale of pay and responsibilities.

  1. Preliminary Examination:

IRegarding the preliminary examination, the commission admits all eligible candidates solely based on the particulars they provide in their online applications. The examinations utilize OMR sheets. After evaluating the preliminary examination answer sheets, the commission admits candidates to appear for the Main Examination at the ratio of 1:50. After evaluating the preliminary examination answer sheets, the commission admits candidates to the Main Examination at a ratio of 1:50. For one post in each reserved category, the Main Written Examination admits 50 candidates based on their marks obtained in the preliminary examination.

However, in each reservation group, the commission also admits all candidates who secure the same marks as the cut-off marks of their reservation group to the Main Written Examination, even if this exceeds the 1:50 ratio. All these candidates must submit documents to support their eligibility. The commission allows candidates to appear for the main written examination based on these documents. It’s important to note that the commission does not consider the marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination for further processes of selection..

  • Main Written Examination:

The Main Examination comprises of Objective and/or Descriptive Type. This comprises of more than one paper depending on the nature of the job. Appearance in all the papers is compulsory. The main examinations are mostly in descriptive nature and the evaluation of Answer Sheets takes place more than once to eliminate the scope of errors.

  • Oral Test:

Based on the marks obtained in the written Examination, the candidates are selected for admission to test at the ratio of 1:3 where the vacancy in a particular communal category is 4 and below, and 1:2 when the vacancy is 5 and above.

6. After the conduct of Examination how is the merit list prepared?

         After the completion of the oral test, the commission obtains the sealed cover containing the written examination marks from the Controller of Examinations, and then prepares the consolidated mark list by adding the marks obtained in the written examination and oral test. Subsequently, the commission publishes the consolidated mark list on its website and notice board. Additionally, the commission publishes the community and sex of the candidates, allowing them to ascertain their possibility of selection.

7. What is the transparency in the selection to posts made by the Commission?

After the oral test, the commission holds counseling in its office for all candidates who appeared for the oral test. The commission makes the selection for each post in a very transparent manner through a computer and onscreen
method, based on the options exercised by the candidates and the distribution and availability of vacancies.

8. What are the security measures taken in the Examination process conducted by the Commission?

The commission bundles the question papers in sealed covers and opens the bundles containing the question papers before the candidates in each and every room of all centers. Candidates are then asked to provide a signature confirming that the seal is intact. The commission seals the answer papers with exclusive stickers meant for that center in a specially designed cover after the examination is over.

9. Is there any invalidation made by the Commission at the evaluation stage?

          The violation of Instructions to the Candidates/Hall Ticket Instructions/Question Paper Instructions/Answer Paper Instructions, will result in invalidation of answer papers.

10. What are our rights in ensuring correct-perfect scanning with regard to conduct of examination?

In the strictly confidential room, the commission scans the OMR sealed bundles, captures the number on the sticker affixed to the sealed bundles, opens the bundles, places them in the scanner, all while cameras record the process.The commission scans the OMR sheets twice with two resolutions.

11. How can we know our performance after the conduct of Examination?

The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission allows candidates to take the question papers after the examination is over. The commission publishes tentative keys within a week’s time, enabling candidates to tentatively arrive at their marks.

12. How do we know that Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission arrives at Right key after the objections are raised by us on the tentative key?

         If any candidates has objections over any tentative Answer key, he/she can mail/write by post the objections with grounds and evidences for such objection within one week. An Expert Committee reviews objections to the key, finalizes the keys, and evaluates the answer papers based on the final key.

13. How transparently is the interview process conducted by the Commission?
  •  For the interview the Commission may invite the head of the Department concerned to be present at the interview or to nominate a person who is next to him in rank to be present at the interview.All the persons in the Board reach a consensus in awarding the marks.
  • The Commission video graphs the entire interview process and seals it to facilitate an error-free recruitment process.
14. What are the rights of the candidates who appeared for Written Examination?

After the entire selection process is over and results are published, candidates who write the examinations are entitled to the following right.

a). In objective type (OMR Sheet), the candidate on application, may get a copy of his/her OMR sheet free of cost.

b)In Descriptive type of Examination, the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission office allows candidates to peruse their answer paper.

c). The candidates are permitted to copy the marks awarded to them for each question in first and second evaluation.

d). This will help the candidates to confirm the genuineness and correctness of Evaluation of his/her Answer paper and ensure that all the answers are evaluated.

15. How can we know our status on his application?

         There is a facilitation counter functioning in TNPSC premises. Candidates may obtain information/clarification relating to examination and candidature etc., on working days between 10.00AM to 5.45PM in person or over telephone No’s 044-25300 300 from this counter and Toll free No.1800-425-1002.

16. How can we know that we have admitted to the examination?

         SMS is being sent to all candidates by the Commission to those whose applications have been admitted finally that their Hall ticket is available on the Commission’s website and it can be downloaded. Likewise, the SMS is being sent to all the candidates who have been admitted to the oral test.

17. How do we know that when the notification for the post we intent to apply will be notified by the Commission?

         The planner indicating the probable date of notification, examination is being released every year available in the Commission’s website.

18. How do I know that I qualify for applying to a particular post by age and educational qualification?

In all notifications issued by the Commission the age is reckoned as on 1st July in which the vacancy is notified. With regard to educational qualification, the criterion is the date of notification.

19. Rejection of candidates by the Commission takes place at which stage?

The application of the candidate is rejected if he does not satisfy the prescribed qualification/No documents in support of their claims in their application. The selection is provisional at all stages. The selection shall be cancelled by the Commission even after appointment for suppression of material facts.

20. Is there any role for TNPSC after the selection/appointment of a candidate?

Yes. After the appointment, Department Examination prescribed for each department.The Commission conducts the mandatory completion of probation tests half yearly. The Commission also holds the requisite Half Yearly Tests to be passed by Pro D.C/DSP twice a year. Additionally, the Commission conducts the Language Test for IAS/IPS/IFS Officers who have not qualified in Tamil Language twice a year.

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